The New Mind: Whole Person Psychological Care Inc.
Creative Interventions
Difficulties in life often are best resolved by multi-faceted, creative, and customized approaches, rather than simply applying “one size to fit all.” We stay current regarding the exciting developments being published on the science and artistry of bringing healing to the whole person. Some of the interventions that may be available to assist in your specific case include:
Bio-Acoustical Utilization Device (BAUD)
Using sound-wave stimulation through the ears, the BAUD is self-adjusted to correlate to brain-wave frequencies associated with anxiety, trauma, depression, pain, headaches, cravings, and attentional difficulties (e.g., ADHD). With simple instructions during a session, you can adjust the stimulation and find remarkable easing of symptoms, often in the course of just one or two sessions.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Training
Also known as resonant breathing biofeedback, HRV training leads to what is called coherent, or smooth and predictable, variations in your heartbeat. Anxiety, stress, and depression are often significantly improved as HRV is increased through training. Dr. Wallstrom uses HRV techniques to create a calm sense of well-being, and as a transition into deep-state work, or imagery, or healing prayer, as guided by your needs, concerns, and interests.
Deep State Relaxation, Imagery, and Internal Reconstruction
Referred to variously as meditation, hypnosis, the alpha-theta experience, therapeutic imagery, or “deep state” work, the shifting of the mind from the stress-bound, over-activated, fretful state that is often the normative state for many people, to a deeper, reflective, symbolic, and intuitive state in therapy, is often a key component to healing.
The Open-Focus Experience
The Open-Focus Brain was published in 2007, raising awareness of how shifting the manner of focusing one’s attention can help resolve many difficult issues. Developed by Dr. Les Fehmi, the open-focus experience heightens interpersonal awareness and sensitivity, helps release anxiety, and can “dissolve” both physical and emotional pain. Open-focus is about expanding your repertoire for dealing with the intense, and perhaps obsessive concerns of your life.
Photonic Stimulator
The infrared light produced by the photonic stimulator has well-researched healing effects upon the nervous system, tissues of the body, and the experience of physical pain. Dr. Wallstrom uses this device as an adjunct to other therapies as a means of inner quieting and calming, stress relief, alleviating pain, and improving receptivity to other therapeutic interventions.
Couple’s Spa
Every couple can benefit from a dedicated time of renewal and refreshment for their relationship. During a creative 90-minute session, Dr. Wallstrom will customize an experience—based on the current needs you identify in your relationship--to enhance your sense of connectedness and mutual understanding. A fresh vision is possible for your relationship, with a multi-dimensional awakening of positive emotions and a deepening of attachment and commitment.